How to Install a New Toilet Properly

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How to Install a New Toilet Properly

If your toilet keeps clogging, it may be time to install a new one.
Installing a new toilet is a lot easier than you may think. In fact, many homeowners choose to remove their old toilet and replace it with a new one without the help of a handyman or plumber.

But this shouldn’t be undertaken lightly. If you do decide to make installing a toilet your new DIY project, you should know the basics.

This article will teach you how to properly remove your old toilet and replace it with a brand-new one. You can save quite a bit of money doing it yourself. Let’s get started.

Removing the Old Toilet

First step of preparing to install a new toilet. Uninstalling the old one. To do this, unbolt and loosen mounting nuts on top of the tank with wrench or screwdriver and cut caulk around its base with utility knife before pulling up with wrench/screwdriver. Afterward, place an old rag over hole in floor to prevent sewer gasses from coming up through drainpipe.

Install the closet bolts on a new toilet. If its flange does not meet with the floor, use a bubble level to measure its plumb. If necessary, level it by applying pressure front to back and side to side until its plumb is achieved. 

Next, hand thread the flange bolts through their slots on the ring and tighten by hand tightening their washers by hand. Tighten them by applying pressure front-back and side-side before packing plumber’s putty into its slots so they will hold upright upright. Add new wax rings if required or opt for an easier alternative: Install foam gaskets instead!

Preparing the Floor

Before installing a new toilet, be sure that the floor is prepared. This involves unbolting old flange bolts and cleaning around them as necessary. Use a hammer drill if necessary to bore four evenly spaced holes equidistant (at equal distances) from the flange ring into the concrete subfloor below. Or use a build-up kit to raise it so it reaches level with its counterpart.

Once the area is clean, install the new flange bolts and wax rings, as well as lower your toilet. Check that their holes match up with each reference mark on either side of the flange; use body weight to sink your toilet into its new home on either side of it.

Prime and apply PVC cement to both the flange and drain pipe, then press them together before screwing to the floor. Screw the flange onto the pipe before pushing onto it the flange from above; push into place then screw to floor to keep from shifting during assembly process.

Stuff a rag into drainpipe to block sewer gas and prevent hardware from falling in. Adding steel braided water supply lines is also highly recommended to complete installation process.

Setting the Toilet Bowl

When installing a new toilet, the next step should be setting it in its place. Care should be taken in carefully moving it into place and making sure it’s level before tightening its tank bolts. For best results, have an assistant when moving the tank as toilet porcelain can easily crack if not handled carefully.

Before installing the bowl, ensure it fits the measurements of its predecessor. Position it carefully over the floor flange and rest it securely against closet bolts before plugging any open flanges with towels to prevent sewer gas from escaping. If necessary, add an extender or extra-thick wax ring for better sealing around high off-floor toilet flanges.

Once your toilet is in its proper spot, remove the towel from its flange and tighten its bolts manually by hand alternating tightening to maintain an even pressure distribution and avoid cracking the bowl. When all wing nuts have been tightened securely cover them with plastic caps while adding washers for extra stability of the bowl.

Installing the Toilet Tank

To install the tank, first remove its flange bolt caps using a wrench if possible. Although this task should only be attempted by experienced DIYers, it should still be relatively straightforward and requires only minimal supplies to complete successfully. Make sure you also have some kind of container handy to capture any leakage from connecting your toilet directly to the water line.

Now is a crucial moment to stuff some material like rags into the floor flange to block sewer gasses and odors, thus keeping them out of your home and helping prevent tools from going down into your pipe system.

Now comes the exciting part – installing your new toilet! Use a carpenter’s level to assess and adjust the bowl, before installing washers and nuts to the floor bolts with hand tightening as only hand tightening will avoid cracking the base of your new commode.

For best results, use rubber or plastic washers when tightening bolts since metal ones could crack ceramic bowls during tightening.

Installing the Toilet Seat

Measure the bowl’s dimensions and shape before purchasing a new seat. Some toilet seats come with additional features such as soft-close hinges or easy release buttons for cleaning. If your toilet is an elongated model, for instance, longer bolts and special hinges will be necessary. 

Gather necessary supplies: New toilet seat, screws, screwdriver, wrench.

Remove old seat by unscrewing bolts. Clean the area around the toilet bowl thoroughly. Take the new seat and position it over the holes. Insert screws through the holes and tighten with a screwdriver and wrench. Make sure the seat is level and aligned properly. Test the seat by lifting it up and down.

ongratulations, you have successfully installed a toilet seat!

Some homeowners don’t want to be DIYers. It can be messy, hard and frustrating. We get it. Also, toilets are heavy and fragile. There’s nothing worse than breaking it and having to purchase another one. Ugh!

That’s when it’s time to gives us a call. Our plumbers are highly trained and licensed.  Put your mind, and back at ease and let us install it for you. We’re located in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. However, we currently service 65 of the surrounding metro-areas providing plumbers near me services. We have plumbers in your city right now!

Call the number below or contact us here via our webform. Let’s get started on getting your new toilet installed today.


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*$94 drain special applies to owner occupied, single family residential homes only.

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